Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ethnography Research and Inquiry Based Learning

There is much research showing that IBL is effective at teaching students mathematics. One of the most striking results is that the students' attitudes towards mathematics can change significantly after taking an IBL course, especially among students who are women. In the forefront of this research are the faculty of the Ethnography & Evaluation Research group at UC Boulder, led by Sandra Laursen.

Some of their articles on this topic are:

-Laursen, S., Hassi, M.-L., Kogan, M., Hunter, A.-B., & Weston, T. (2011) Evaluation of the IBL Mathematics Project: Student and Instructor Outcomes of Inquiry-Based Learning in College Mathematics. [Report prepared for the Educational Advancement Foundation and the IBL Mathematics Centers.] Boulder, CO: Ethnography & Evaluation Research, University of Colorado, Boulder.

-Laursen, S.L., Hassi, M., Kogan, M., & Weston, T. (2014), Benefits for Women and Men of Inquiry-Based Learning in College Mathematics: A Multi-Institution Study, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Vol. 45, No. 4 (July 2014), pp. 406-418.

-Kogan, M. & Laursen, S.L. (2014), Assessing Long-Term Effects of Inquiry-Based Learning: A Case Study from College Mathematics, Innovative Higher Education, Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 183--199.

The complete set of their research can be found in